
The Amsterdam-based I/O is led by Thanasis Deligiannis and collaborates with a core team of artists who have a strong drive in creating crossover performances with a focus on sound. Its work brings together new technologies and the interaction among different disciplines. I/O’s interest is the exploration of hybrid artistic forms and redefining the dialogue with its audience.

I/O’s core team is:
Thanasis Deligiannis (NL/GR) maker / composer / performer
Yannis Michalopoulos (FR/GR) artist / dramaturg / researcher
George Dumitriu (NL/RO) composer / violinist & violist
Kaja Draksler (SI) composer / pianist
Kostas Chaikalis (GR) sound engineer / sound designer
Elia Kalogianni (NL/GR) visual artist / film maker
Frank van der Weij (NL) project manager

Stichting I/O
Email address: info [at] iiiooo [dot] io
Post address: Albert Cuypstraat 241 Unit 2.02 | 1073 BHZ | Amsterdam | The Netherlands
Board: Jacqueline Oskamp, chairman | Diamanda La Berge, secretary | Ellen Bijsterbosch, treasurer
Chamber of Commerce (KvK Nederland) nr.: 60330244
VAT nr.: NL853861122B01