ENA ENA | info kit
2023 26 Sep | x1 show, Nicosia International Festival, CY
2022 15 Sep | x1 show, Korzo Den Haag, NL
2022 10-11 Sep | x3 shows, Muziekgebouw Amsterdam NL
2022 7 Sep | x2 shows, Gaudeamus Utrecht NL
2021 17-20 Nov | x7 shows, Onassis Stegi Athens GR
2021 9-10 Sep | x4 shows, Gaudeamus Utrecht NL
2021 2 Sep | x2 tryouts w/audience, Zaandam NL
2021 Apr-Aug rehearsals Zaandam NL/Athens GR
“ENA ENA” is the name of an imaginary Greek rural nightclub. Literally meaning ‘one by one,’ it reminds us of the phrases ‘step by step,’ ‘bit by bit,’ ‘piece by piece.’
A band, a singer, a waiter, and a security camera give life to the world of the performance, interacting with each other and the audience. The music is a microtonal amalgam of the Greek 70s to 90s culture of ‘klarina,’ blended with improvised parts, electronic music, and field recordings, while making use of the heavily “amplified” aesthetics of that era; an uncanny ‘panegyri,’ the Greek traditional party at the countryside.
The performers’ presence goes beyond their conventional function. A series of transformations and replacements takes place; a waiter who transforms into his opposite or into his extreme, someone who replaces the camera with his or her gaze, who replaces the singer with his or her alienated voice, who controls space, who crosses borders.
The performance of “ENA ENA” deals with surfaces of memories, which sit on top of each other. The audience is invited to pass through shifting perspectives: from being the spectator, to being a spectacle for each other, to being the ones who are being watched.
ENA ENA is created and produced by I/O and co-produced by the Onassis Stegi and Gaudeamus. With the kind support by the Fonds Podiumkunsten, the Norma Fonds, George Ignatides and Het Motorblok.